It's not up to me
Setting myself the task to write something every day for 30 days about diabetes to spread diabetes awareness is definitely daunting. I live with diabetes for 365 days a year and deal with it 24/7 so it should be easy to articulate that right? In reality the way I deal with diabetes is deeply private.
After spending 6 years ignoring it and then spending 4 years shouting about it via writing a book and being a fierce advocate through social media, it's been interesting to spend this past year taking a break from the need to externalise my experience.
In 2019 I set a goal to lower my Hba1c, heal some of my underlying digestion issues and be brave when it comes to taking Insulin. I started 2019 using the Diabetic Health Journal, created by yogi and diabetes health coach Lauren Bongiorno, with incredible results. Writing down daily goals, things I was grateful for and staying accountable made a big difference. My Hba1c went from 6% to 5.6 % in 6 months. If you're not sure what that means it's like dropping your cholesterol levels or blood pressure. Moving it from a pass to a win.
I also went into hyper drive with my digestion, adding different supplements, bone broth and more variety into my daily meals. I worked on stored trauma with network spinal analysis and neuroimmunology sessions. Finally I made sure to keep up a daily walk and my twice daily yoga practice.
Making a concerted effort to shift some deep seated patterns has been an interesting process. I didn't necessarily make great strides or have major revelations, instead I settled more into accepting what is.
"What is" might not be what I want but if I can accept it that's a pretty good place to be. It's how I dealt with diagnosis after fighting it for so long and pretty much how I manage my finicky digestion and volatile blood sugars and everything else that comes my way.
My latest go to phrase for everything is, " It's not up to me" That's not about not doing everything I can to stay balanced. It's about understanding that I don't know the recipe of creation. Letting go of needing to know, enjoying the gifts I've been given and trusting that whatever comes is perfect, goes a long way in helping me manage my condition.
I never expected to be diagnosed with diabetes but now that I have been I can honestly share it's a blessing in disguise.
More on that tomorrow #NDAM #DiabetesAwarenessMonth
With great respect...